The Fraunhofer institute for Open Communication Systems (Fraunhofer FOKUS), based in Berlin, Germany, is a neutral research organization. We develop solutions for the “Digitale Vernetzung", with the goal to create a safe, reliable, scalable and trusted networked world.
The FRAUNHOFER Society is one of the leading organisations of applied research and development in Europe. One of the main goals of the FRAUNHOFER Society is to link scientific work with industrial demands.
The Fraunhofer institute for Open Communication Systems (Fraunhofer FOKUS), based in Berlin, Germany, as a neutral research organization develops solutions for the “Digitale Vernetzung", with the requirement to make the networked world safe, reliable, scalable and trusted.
Fraunhofer FOKUS offers it's solutions in seven business units: Three of the seven units address the horizontal issues of digital networking: networks, system quality and visualization. Four of the seven business units are vertically positioned and focus on the design of digital networking in the respective branches: media, general public, mobility and security.
Thereby FOKUS acts as a supplier and technology independent agent between industry, science and the public administration that can combine long-standing scientific expertise and experience from various branches to optimal solutions for its customers. The researchers concentrate not only on the technical infrastructure but furthermore develop practical concepts, prototypes and applications in a pre-competitive environment. At the centre of the research activities lies the development of cross-domain and cross–organizational solutions that are both interoperable and user-centric.
With around 430 employees, FOKUS is one of the largest Fraunhofer institutes. With more than 25 years of experience, FOKUS is one of the most important actors in the ICT research landscape both nationally and internationally. Market-oriented solutions are being distributed by a total of 11 spin-offs.
Fraunhofer FOKUS exploits its experience and IPR gathered in publicly funded projects to conduct high quality, cutting-edge research and development for its clients. In addition, knowledge is distributed and multiplied via lectures held by Fraunhofer FOKUS employees at several universities.