
DECIDE: DevOps for trusted, portable and interoperable multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital single market. The main objective of the DECIDE project is to provide a new generation of multi-cloud service-based software framework, enabling techniques and mechanisms to design, develop, and dynamically deploy multi-cloud aware applications in an ecosystem of reliable, interoperable, and legal compliant cloud services. 

DECIDE refers to multicloud applications as those applications that can dynamically distribute their components over heterogeneous cloud resources and still hold the functional, business and non-functional properties (NFP) declared in their SLAs.

To achieve that, DECIDE will provide a set of architectural patterns and the needed supporting tools to develop and operate (following the DevOps philosophy) multi-cloud aware applications that can be dynamically self-adapted or be re-deployed using different cloud services. Furthermore, DECIDE will also set up an ecosystem of trusted, interoperable and legally compliant cloud services (ACSmI-Advance Cloud Service meta-Intermediator) and the required mechanisms to register, discover, compose, use and assess them.